Sunday, December 3, 2006

Festival of Cultures

The FieldTrip was awesome. Though there were only four booths, the children seemed to have a really fun time. The kids really enjoyed the African presentation. The Africans did the sleeping on nails bit, acrobatics, and jumped rope in unusual ways. However, the act that my kids enjoyed the most was when the Africans jumped through the rings of fire.

The other acts were also interesting. The Festival included people from Russia, who did several balancing acts, and played with hoops. The older Russian man balanced on a board and cylinder, then two cylinders, three, and finally he topped it off by balancing on four cylinders with his son standing on his shoulders. It was such a windy day my kids thought for sure they would come tumbling down.

We finished our trip with some spear throwing and lunch. Then we boarded the bus for the drive back to school.

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