Sunday, December 3, 2006

Current Projects

I have been hard at work both in the classroom and on the web. I am currently trying to develop 5 different webpages. Since I am a novice this seems like a daunting task. However, I'm prepared to help my fellow teachers, and that is why I'm doing all of this.

Teachers have it rough, there is no way around it. We have to be many things in the classroom, and by the end of the day it takes a lot out of a person. So, I have made it my life's goal to make our lives better. Not through pay raises or accountablity but through simple free stuff.

I am currently offering free lesson plans, clipart, classroom management stuff, and a plethera of other free stuff, but the problem lies in getting the word out. So please, if you are a teacher check out my links on the sidebar, and let me know how I can help to make your life easier.

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